

L'chaim brings Purim to over 6000 in the North West


 This Purim L'chaim serviced over 6000 people across the Northwest. With visitations to Houses , Hospitals, Old age homes, Lonely individuals, elderly & infirm,  Universities, Small communities & Prisons. Communal Parties & events for children, teens & families, L'chaim really covered the entire spectrumpurim 2014 087.JPG

We take you for a sneak peek interview from behind the scenes with some of the organisers, Students from Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester


THE students of Yeshivas Lubavitch in Singleton Road, Salford, this year “took” Purim to more people than ever before.
 The megillah was read 19 times  every hour, on the hour  at nearby Beis Menachem.
1012083_10152072701924790_872252411_n.jpgAnd hundreds of tra… Read More »

30 Manchester Teens Join 1000 Teens From 110 Communities For A Weekend In NEW YORK


30 Manchester Teens Join 1000 Teens From 110 Communities For A Weekend In NEW YORK 

CNV00007.jpgThis past Shabbos 30 Manchester Teens joined 1000 Teenagers from the United States, Canada and Europe who travelled to New York City for a weekend of inspiration, education and entertainment as part of the CTeen (Chabad Teen Network) International Teen Shabbaton, Feb. 28 to March 2.

Travelling with the teens were Manchester Cteen Leaders Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Zeldy. For many it was an opportunity to immerse themselves in a Shabbat for the first time, as well as get a dose of the city that never sleeps. The weekend was centred at Lubavitch World Headquarters in the Crown Heights neighbourhood of Brookly… Read More »

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