Pictured are the Mitzvah Mission winners
Matti and Ellie Gordon, Akiva Mann-Wineberg from King David.
Asher Tzvi Weinber and Issy Ross from B&WJPS
This past 48 hours of Shavuot, L'chaim Chabad Lubavitch maximized its efforts to involve hundreds of men, women and children in a variety of programs. Enabling each individual to experience and relive the most fundamental Jewish episode - the Sinai experience in a spirit of unity and renewed dedication.
It all began with the JLI pre Shavuot class for men titled "Lessons of Commitment from the story of Ruth" where Rabbi Levi Cohen brought to life the story of Ruth with practical lessons and applications. "This has changed my view of Shavuos from when I was brought up, I now really connect to the festival" Steven S. one class participant shared.
Women also enjoyed a hands on Shavuot preparation with a salad workshop as part of the Rosh Chodesh Society series titled “ The Art & Soul of Cuisine”. The evening was a joint program with the Holy Law Shul. The well attended evening was uplifting and engaging.
L'chaim volunteers arranged pre-Shavuos assemblies in King David, B&WJPS and NCJPS . The “ Shavuot Mitzva mission” was launched; any child who brings a signed form by their parent or guardian stating that they attended shul for the reading of the ten commandments would receive a prize and be entered in their school raffle to win one of three grand prizes sponsored by L'chaim. The children were enthusiastic about attending shul and connecting with the Shavuos inspirations shared in the assemblies. Hundreds of children returned the signed forms, making it the highest number of attendees to date.
Shavuot night kicked off with a “Tikun Leil” at the home of Rabbi Daniel Walker - Rabbi of the Heaton Park Synagogue where Rabbi Levi Cohen shared stories and insights with those braving the late hour.
Following an all nighter, early Shavuot morning tens of students from Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester set out to twelve different shuls in neighbouring communities,some a 4 hour walk away! The students went to strengthen and enliven the communities and run Shavuot ice cream parties for children. The ice cream parties arranged in advance were in order to motivate the children to come to shul and hear the Ten commandments being read from the Torah. Hundreds of children participated in the ice cream parties which were fun, educational and relevant. One mother commented "my daughter has never been so excited to attend shul". "Students of Lubavitch Yeshiva do these programs like no other it is truly unique and irreplaceable" said Rabbi F.
The elderly were not overlooked and a lively Shavuot celebration and Torah reading was held at Heathlands where the chain of Jewish tradition was felt by the range of generations present during the Torah reading. "The tears that you see are tears of joy, it is so meaningful for me" shared Sophie, a Heathlands resident.
In true Cteen fashion, a GRAND Shavuos cheese cake and ice cream party was held. It began with a Torah reading which the teens ran and were involved, making everyone an active participant. "This really made me feel a part of Shavuos" commented Ben a local Cteen. The event was followed with songs, games and stories on Jewish pride led by Rabbi Sholom while they enjoyed 10 different cheesecake, ice creams and toppings.
As Shavuot came to a close, students of Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester once again fanned out to a variety of Shuls to bring words of inspiration and the joy of the festival to those shuls who are struggling to get a minyan. "Knowing that the Lubavitch students come really makes it worth it coming to shul" said Gary L.
It was a busy and beautiful Shavuot with the full community celebrating the Torah with Jewish unity and pride ready to take on the future.
To support future programs contact [email protected]