Community Organisations
Board Of Deputies of British Jews
tel: 020 7543 5400
fax: 020 7543 0010
e-mail: [email protected]
The Board of Deputies exists to promote and defend the religious rights and civil liberties of British Jewry. As the community’s demofratically elected cross-communal organisation, the Board engages with government, media and wider society, providing a unique means through which all British Jews can be heard and represented.
24 hour Emergency Response
freephone: 0800 980 0668
General enquiries, tel: 0161 792 6666
fax: 0161 705 7097
e-mail: [email protected]
Emergency First-Aid Service (Broughton Park and Immediate Vicinity Only)
tel: 0161 795 2727
Jewish Community Information
(administered by Board of Deputies)
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10.30am-4.30pm
Friday 10am-1pm
General enquiries – tel: 020 7543 5421/2
Database admin, 020 7543 5413
fax: 020 7543 0010
e-mail: [email protected]
British Jewish Community’s activities and resources database.
Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester & Region
(incorporating the Manchester Trades Advisory Council)
tel/fax: 0161 720 8721
MBD Shechita Services Ltd
tel: 0161 740 9711
fax: 0161 721 4249
email: [email protected]
Manchester & District Council of Synagogues
tel: 0161 832 8721 or 0161 792 2275 9am to 12.30pm Sunday to Friday
email: [email protected]
The Council fosters good relations between synagogues and co-ordinates efforts to strengthen the religious life of the community.
Shomrim Salford - 0161 740 8000
Shomrim Prestwich 0161 850 2626